Medieval castles, rustic farms, modern museums and unforgettable theater plays. The range of art and culture in South Tyrol leaves nothing to be desired. The early settlement of Renon has left its mark right up to the present day. There are many mystical and legendary places on the Renon. If you are open to a bit of culture, you are guaranteed to find it here.
Throughout the year, there are numerous cultural events on the Renon which are gladly visited by our guests. The famous „Oberbozner Kirchtag“ or the „Almabtrieb“ in August are just some of the many folk festivals that are traditionally celebrated on the Renon. There is also a wide range of plays by local theater groups or concerts by the traditional Renon brass bands.
Over 600 years old, the Plattner Hof is one of the most picturesque farmsteads in South Tyrol. Today it houses a bee museum with historical beekeeping objects. You can also visit the originally preserved living quarters of the farm, where many everyday objects provide an insight into the life of mountain farmers in past centuries.
The provincial capital of Bolzano is definitely worth a visit with its historic center, its many stores in the Bolzano arcades and its streets and square cafés. South Tyrol has always had a bit of a southern lifestyle, as it is located at the crossroads of two cultures. You can reach Bolzano in just 12 minutes by cable car.